Thursday, November 27, 2008 11:58 PM
I fear...
That i'm really going to fail my Maths module this time. The final paper feels like how my failed mid-term paper feels like. All those afternoons spent in NYP learning and practicing seems to have gone to waste. I'm not even confident of my answers for the question i did, or rather, thought i knew how to do.
For the first time in my life, i fear that i might not pass a test. It's such a terrible feeling of uneasiness. I tried for the past day and night to put it out of my mind. Even after the multiple encouragement and reassurance of friends taking the same exam, i just can't.
I did some reading for EJB module today but it was far lesser that what i should have and could have done. Where was the motivation and the concentration i had? Was i really slacking for too long that, like a certain someone, i'm fast becoming a useless person too?
Studying at NYP tomorrow for Networking.
I'll just say, hope that my choice of entering NUS isn't me overestimating myself and my capabilities. I just don't feel so great anymore. In fact, i feel like trash.
Sunday, November 16, 2008 11:11 PM
Results announced for the Maths Mid-Term Retest i took last Thursday. I scored
36/40. ^^ But i only get 10% out of 20% from this. >.< If only i scored this well for the actual mid-term. Still, i'm happy for it as the marks did reflect the effort i put in. =D It gave me a better standing for the overall marks as well as a head start in revising for the finals. ^^
Saturday, November 15, 2008 2:00 AM
A few things to say here~
First of all, a very very big THANK YOU to MA1301 Maths Lecturer! He's a very patient, cute, kind and nice lecturer who given us (people who failed mid-term) a second chance by conducting a retest, with lots of tips and hints. He didn't have to do so and doing so would create more work for him but still, he did because he wanted to help us pass the module. I'm very grateful to and love love him! *Wink* So i studied and managed to do 7.5 out of 8 questions. ^^ I'm not sure if the paper feels easy because i've studied for it or he made it easy. Still, THANK YOU!!
Secondly, i've just check my grade book and found that i scored
5.5/10 for my CS2105 Networking Assignment 2 which i admit, have submitted crap (and complained about it previously). So i must REALLY REALLY THANK the student teacher for passing me even though he gave me a what-the-fuck-are-you-doing face during the evaluation. I feel that i so deserve that face and was very afraid that i might not even get 1.5 marks out of it. >.< Currently, i'm passing by a mere 3.5+ % for this module but at least i'm passing and it gives me more hope of passing this horrendous module. Gotta get a good grip on the contents of the module materials to ensure that i clear this module! I think i might stab myself multiple times if i had to repeat it again. =X
Finally, also from checking the grade book, for CS2261 EJB Assignments 1 and 2, i scored
11.5/12 and
18/28, respectively. Woo! That's a 29.5% out of 40%. I'm really really happy with it. Not to forget, must study hard for finals so that i can get a decent grade for this one. ^^
I feel so encouraged! My future doesn't seem so bleak anymore. Yeah!! ^^
Exams are coming in about less than 1.5 weeks or so:
- ACC1002X FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - 25/11/2008 (Tue) 1:00 PM 2 h MPSH2-A
- MA1301 INTRODUCTORY MATHEMATICS - 26/11/2008 (Wed) 1:00 PM 2 h MPSH6
- CS2105 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER NETWORKS - 03/12/2008 (Wed) 9:00 AM 2 h MPSH1-B
- CS2261 ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT - 04/12/2008 (Thu) 9:00 AM 2 h SR1
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 3:48 AM
I totally screwed up my CS2105 assignment evaluation. Don't feel like elaborating here but i can say that i fully understand why people say that the only person you should be sorry to, when you aren't doing as good as you should, is yourself. I am letting myself down and i feel horrible about it.
For awhile. =x
Went for facial and manicure session today to relax. Coffee session with Finn then met up with Ee Lee and Liying. After relaxation, the disastrous evaluation seem to have occurred decades ago. But on this note, I'd have to remind, double remind and triple remind myself that i might have to repeat this torturous module if i do not pass it. I must study for finals seriously.
But before that, one of the hurdles i've to clear would be the MA1301 retest to try to make up for my failed mid-term. Will be going back to NYP with Kartika and Karen to study. Why? Because NYP peeps simply do not study! Well at least majority don't when they don't have to. So we'll have many empty tables to occupy. =p
I hope to master MA1301 Chapter 4.5 to 4.5 tomorrow as well as to do readings for ACC1002X and do it's tutorial.
Add oil, add oil!!
Monday, November 3, 2008 3:19 PM
One assignment down, one more to evaluate.
I think i should be able to get some decent marks for the first assignment.
The second one, well, it's a total disaster.
I wasn't able to implement the objective of the assignment. >.<
I hope the evaluator would give me 2 to 3 sympathy marks since he's quite nice.
Will be meeting dar this evening. Can't wait to see him!
Finally can date with a peaceful mind and not thing about means and ways i can write my programs. *Big Smile*
I'm planning to enjoy today and tomorrow and pamper myself before i embark on my journey to learn my maths for the re-test coming up next week. I have to pass it to cover for my failed mid-term!!
Hope time pass faster so that i can go for the next assignment evaluation and get done with it. Then go pamper myself with a facial and a manicure and pedicure session. Not to forget coffee session with Finn. Whahahahaha!! =D