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Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:12 AM

So lazy to post!

This is the second week of school and so far, i've been enjoying my lessons. ^^ It feels like i'm doing afternoon session this semester as most of my school days start in the afternoon. Lecturers for Management and Economics are very engaging and interesting which makes me very keen to go to their lectures.

From the introduction lectures last week, it seems that this semester's modules have interesting activities planned out for us. =D

Tuesdays are Yvonne days and Thurdays are Kartika and Jacinta days. But i've no classes with beloved VV and Alyssia this semester. =(( Oh well, we ca always meet up to chat and do tutorials. ^^

Staying in Clementi has loads of advantages! School's about 20 minutes away. Dar is a few steps away. New home is a few MRT stops away. Woo! Can't say i'm not enjoying my strategic location but it is not going to last.

I guess i'll be officially shifting to Yew Tee next between Wednesday to Friday. I sincerely hope that my new study room will give me the motivation and power to withstand resonable hours of studying! ^^

Went Jack's Place with Dar, for dinner tonight, in celebration of me getting my Dinner's Club sub card (more like to utilize the benefits actually).

Sat at the void deck afterwards and chatted. This is the first time we talk about our future in so much detail. It's interesting to find our each others plans and expectations. To me, this is quality time spent together to understand each other better, to synchronize and set goals to we want to achieve.

People say that quality outweighs quantity but i'm just a very greedy all-taker. I value quality + quantity of time spent with Dar. ^^

I'm going to spend the entire day tomorrow doing up myself with manicure, pedicure and facial in preparation for CNY. I'm such a vainny. =X

Also, there are so many things to catch up on! Theres:
Readings for last week and this week
Doing Economics tutorial for next week
Gossips with Finn (I'm a gossip-monger and she's a fish-monger =X)

Finally, wish all's well for everyone, HAPPY CNY!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009 2:27 AM

Happy New Year!

I've been busy settling stuff in my new home~ ^^

Year 2008 has been pretty good with the usual ups and downs. Some major things happened and i'm quite seasoned with not feeling for selective things as well as masking how i feel about certain things.

The past year made me realize how lucky i am to have met a bunch of sincere friends in University, Pei Wen, Alyssia, Kartika, Karen, Yvonne. Thank you for popping into my life! <3<3

Not to forget, my long-time lovelies, Finn and Sher. You guys have been so encouraging and entertaining with crappys. =X I'll miss all those coffee sessions after i've moved. But i'll be back!! <3<3

BITC peeps - Wai Leng, Jessie and Nana never fail to entertain me with hilarious updates. Although we don't meet up much, it's heaven and hell at the same time when we do meet up. Heavenly to be entertained and updated. Most of all to have a wonderful time every single meet up. A hell load of laughter and fun as we spend what little time we have with each other. <3<3

Lovable dar is definitely on my list of "Important People". We've "honeymooned" for the past 5 years and 10 months. Thank you for your tolerance and accomodation for the then-childish me and thank you for loving me all these years and treating me like a queen by giving in to 99% of my whines and demands. Just thinking of you makes me smile, especially when i think of the cute blur blur things you do. So adorable! I love you! <3<3

Dear cousin meet ups have lessened during the past year but we still had our fair share of fun and laughter. Cousin talks were always juicy and we always have fun! Sherry has been very nice, as usual, always there for us to "bully"! Winnie disappeared somewhere along the way, and we haven't been seeing her often. Hope this year she'll be less busy and can join us for more cousin outings!

Finally, people whom i really really cannot live without - mummy and meimei. Thank you mummy for being such a capable woman. You are really my role model and i want to be as capable as you when i grow older. Meimei is a really annoying idiot-looking mao mao chong whom cannot stand me being idiotic to her. I'm really glad that she's around for me to annoy, bully and to comfort me when i'm sad. I love you, mummy and I love you too, meimei! <3<3

For year 2009, i'll be looking forward to:
A new life in my new home.
Better concentration for my studies as i've got a really nice and pretty new study room.
Hopefully, an improvement in my grades.
More income from Beau-Vous.
Not being cash-strapped.

And with dar :
Another loving year together.
Valentine's day get away.
Sentosa stay-over. (You promised!)

Once again, Happy New Year!
Wish everyone a fruitful, profitable, happy, healthy, rich, enjoyable, loving year 2009!

Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:12 AM



Christmas party at Jaslyn's new condo. She ordered western buffet. This is the first time we had western buffet and it got me real excited to taste the food before the party. =X Jaslyn makes very very good potato salad and she's improving everytime we taste her creation.

Played some fun games after dinner. The very same game we played in Settler's Cafe on Monday.

This is Claudia - Jaslyn's friend's daughter. Such a pretty little princess! Although i'm not really a warm person for kids but i can't help wanting to take pictures with her when i saw that Sherry did!

Wanted to take pictures with Reyna and Renee but they were nowhere to be seen after i've finished with this little beauty. =/ Nevermind, there is always a next time and CNY's coming soon~

Went shopping for hamper materials during office time and spotted these cute little-but-seriously-not-so-little soft toys! They looked so cute, i just had to take a snap of them ^^

My snack on the car ride to Anchorpoint - very very nice, soft and spongy Japanese steam cake from Four Leaves. Florence and i are so crazy over Four Leaves pastry. =X

**Last Saturday & Sunday~

Me & Ming Rong~ I had a very wonderful time doing the flea with her! Her entire family was so friendly and helpful and considerate! ^^ Therefore, a BIG THANK YOU her family for their friendliness and snacks and importantly, her sister, Ming Hui for helping us with the sales. =D

Sales for both days were pretty good as there was a lot of traffic. However, majority of the people there are aunties and maids whose main objective is to cut, cut and cut the prices. -.-"

Ordered this platter of cakelets to bring to dar's house to "gain favour". Most friend will think - "Finally you've visited! How can you be together for so long and not visit his family!?". Phobia la~ Due to some incident a few years back (Yea yea, i remembered it for a few years). But it's because it is an issue i care very much about.

Surprisingly i was quite calm when i drove from home to his place. His parents were friendly. ^^ But i got the idea why dar and his brother are very shy people as basically his parents are just like the pair of sons - SHY!

Before going to set up our spree stall, we rushed down to downtown east to book chalet for Valentine's Day using the "Free Chalet" voucher gotten when i signed up for DeCard almost a year ago.

**Last Friday, At the Zoo~

Tickets cost $18 per adult. T.T

My Havaianas strap broke not far from the Zoo entrance. Dar went to the souvenir shop to get me a new pair of slippers. I miss my beloved pinky Havaianas! It was a birthday gift from Carina and Mei from a few years back and i've worn it for years. T.T

When waiting for the Elephant show to start, dar on stand-by to munch the ham & cheese sandwich i made. =

**Some time last week~

Lunch at Suntec. Some Japanese restaurant which i didn't managed to read the name.

Snowman bread from Four Leaves - big bite on it's head

After browsing through all those picture, i realized that working deprives me of sleep and i have horrendous eye bags. >.< So i should SLEEP.

Time for bed. Goodnight! ^^

Friday, December 19, 2008 1:29 AM

Seriously, i don't give a damn.

I've been so busy the entire week! I had to tend Beau-Vous, work, think of furniture arrangement for the new house so that we can buy furniture, think of fixtures we want to build, what colour to paint the new house with, cleaning the new house and the up-coming weekend flea market! Time is so not enough and i'm barely surviving on 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night. >.<

Oh! I look forward to baking cookies and cakes (for our boyfriends) with Waileng during our long holidays after Sem 2. Mummy bought a microwave that is able to bake cakes and cookies the other day at Best Denki. ^^ We'll, actually Mummy a refrigerator, a washing machine, an induction thermal stove as well. This expenditure got us 140 lucky draw coupons to fill up. >.<

Grand prize - Mazda3

My cute cute Mazda3. Hope lady luck is shining on us and let me win ONE of the many Mazda3s available for the draw.

I'm going to the zoo with dar tomorrow and am looking forward to it! It's been quite some time since we did something fun. I'm going to prepare sandwiches for lunch! ^^

I want~
Another outing with VV, Alyssia and Yvonne! We said we were to play mahjong.
Another outing with Waileng, Nana and Jessie too! Jessie SMSed me today saying that she has a suggestion for a place we can go to. =D
Another outing with Finn, Shermaine and Monica! It's been so long since we've seen Monica~

Hope that our flea stall this weekend will be able to clear most of the items i've brought to sell and ultimately the sales is worth my time and effort for doing a flea. Many thanks to Ming Rong for being in-charge of the renting procedures as well as the vigourous advertising. I love you! ^^

Friday, December 12, 2008 12:56 AM

Today -

Say hello to my victim for the day, Mr Gingerbread Man! Met Finn for coffee and gossip updates. We seem to have never ending things to talk about. Really happy for her that her life is so happening so that she'll not feel bored and that she can really let loose and have fun without worries (not taking finances into consideration, of course). Enjoy while young but don't get too wasted, health is important! ^^

Yesterday -

Met up with Jessie, Waileng and Nana for dinner @ Sizzler's. We have so so so much to talk about but contents of our chats are strictly confidential. So shhhhh... =X

Hasty shot in the one of the ladies in Suntec

Me and Waileng. Dang, i do look like a meatball >.<

Salad buffet at Sizzler's

Jessie and Nana

Didn't take many pictures. >.< But it was really fun with Jessie's humour, Nana's childhoodness and teasing Waileng about Xiong Xiong. We must meet up again soon! ^^

The first weekend after exams ended -

The monopoly addiction started on Sherry's birthday steamboat treat. We played games after dinner but have to leave before our first monopoly game ended as Mama came by to pick us. The monopoly itch was there so we decided to move and continue the game at Carina's place. We went over and played until 3.30am and went home to bed thereafter.

My properties!

My deeds!

My deeds and money!

Me and mei were rich tai tais during the game against Sherry. Whahahah! =X

Woke up at 7am for breakfast and joined the relatives for badminton and swimming at Warren Golf Club (? Not sure if it's a golf club but there's golf). Ate really nice bakut teh for lunch and guess what?

Aunties itching for mahjong! Got to ah ma house to play mahjong. Mama's beginner's luck was quite powerful and nearly Da San Yuan. Aunties laughed at the way i instructed mama how to play. "Fill hole", "Wait eyes", "Pong", etc. Was winning in the beginning but "returned" the winnings back to the other players towards the end. =((

Met back at Carina's place for more monopoly later at night. Surviving 2 days with just 3 hours of sleep really kills. If i keep this up, i'd join Finn's sleeping disorder club sooner or later. =X

The next day after exams ended -

Met up with Finn and Shermaine to celebrate Shermaine's birthday in advance. Shermaine brought us to Marmalade Pantry in vicinity of the Thai Embassy. Its a quiet place with nice embience very good for chitchat while enjoying delicious desserts and tea.

Chatted for hours before walking around to shop for birthday gifts. Agnes B was having 10% off and i saw a bag that Mama might like but i was unsure if she'd actually like it. Some time must bring her there to look for her bag. =X

Had dinner at Hong Kong Cafe beside Ajisen. It wasn't as good as it was the last time i visited. =(

The day exams ended -

Went Sushi Tei @ Vivocity with Party Animal VV, Alyssia and Yvonne to "celebrate" the end of our torturous days. This is the first time i've tasted Sushi Tei and Mmm.. Their salmon sashimi was ooh-la-la~ ^^ VV and Alyssia laughed at my expression of happiness when eating because i was so enjoying the food. >.<

Went to movie, Four Christmases, watched commercials for 20 mins or so. It really made us wonder if we paid money to watch a movie or loads of commercial. The movie was enjoyable and it's quite meaningful emphasizing on spending time with family.

Went Pacific coffee company after movie to slack. They have a very nice "balcony" part facing the sea with swinging chairs. Nice ambience to sit in and read. It's so relaxing but it feels so unreal that exams ended. =X

- Me -


My world's in a mess with only one constant - my love.

Best Viewed: Mozilla Firefox

- Wants -

  1. Concentration
  2. Quit being lazy
  3. Catch up with whatever I'm lagging behind on
  4. Money
  5. Self-Discipline
  6. Ability to cope with school and Blogshop
  7. More time with Dar
  8. Time to sleep properly everyday

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- Credits -

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Editor: Joanne
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Cursor: dorischu